<p class="alert success"><strong>Woah!</strong> You did something not good, but great!</p>
<p class="alert warning"><strong>Careful, buster.</strong> No misbheaving!</p>
<p class="alert error"><strong>Uh oh!</strong> George has broken something again.</p>
<p class="alert info">I just wanted to say you look really cool.</p>
Supported statuses: Success, warning, error, info.
import { Alert } from '@cupid-ui/react';
// [...]
text="You did something not good, but great!"
(optional): Must be a string
. This goes before the rest of the text and is in bold. Solid for a quick detail, followed by more elaborate information about the alert.text
: Must be a string
. This is what the alert says.type
: Can be "success" | "warning" | "error" | "info"
. Sets the type of button you want.<Alert></Alert>
. This allows for ease when using Cupid with tools like MDX. This is an alternative to the text
parameter.Woah! You did something not good, but great!
Careful, buster. No misbheaving!
Uh oh! George has broken something again.
I just wanted to say you look really cool.