Quick Start

Using the hosted versions

You can skip the other steps and add Cupid straight to your site with one line:

<link href="https://unpkg.com/@cupid-ui/css@1.1.0/dist/cupid-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" crossorigin />

We don't always update the version in that URL. So, check for our latest release to ensure you're using the latest version of Cupid.

Using the Node packages

We're working on packages for Svelte and Vue, but you can still use the offical Node packages for:

Building from source

You will need:

From there, you will need to install the dependencies for Cupid. After cloning the repository from GitHub (git clone https://github.com/designbylunar/cupid-ui cupid/), run yarn. After that finishes, there are a few paths you can take:

For CSS, you will find the compiled CSS in css/dist/cupid-ui.css. For React, the components will be in react/dist/components/....

Once you have Cupid installed, you're ready to start implementing components